Corrections for Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 I put 0 because the information based on the triangle did not seem to make sense. After looking college board: I got it correct because The response does not specify the program’s purpose. Instead, it describes the function of theprogram, “to provide information about a triangle based on inputted side lengths.” Therefore, the response does not meet the program and purpose and function requirements
Data Abstraction 0 0 I put 0 because the list looked more like a dict so I think it does not work. After looking college board: I got it wrong because I initially thought it made no sense, but in reality, according to college board, "The response identifies what is stored in the list. The response states, “The data in the list contains the possible classifications by side lengths of the triangle.” This overall makes sense and fits the criteria that is data abstraction.
Managing Complexity 0 0 I put 0 because some of yhe list is not neccesary for a program like this. After looking college board: I got it correct because I was right with college board in the fact that, "The response includes a list that collects the four possible classifications in one place, but this is not necessary for the program. This use of the list does not manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 I put 0 because I thought the parameters used were quite inaccurate because it did not fit the program. After looking college board: I agreed with college board that, "The response includes a student-developed procedure, ratioCalculate, with three parameters that are used in the procedure. The response also includes another code fragment that calls the procedure ratioCalculate.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as an algorithm in the procedure and explains the procedure with lots of details.
Testing 1 1 I put 0 because I think the Algorithm Implementation is not compatible with the data provided. After looking college board: The student-developed algorithm within procedure, ratioCalculate, includes sequencing, selection (if statement), and iteration (for in range loop).

Corrections for Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 1. The video shows the code running and the written response includes the input and output.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and explains the list name and its functionality.
Managing Complexity 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 3. It has a list that manages complexity and talks about what would happen if the list wasn’t present.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 4. It describes a procedure with four different parameters.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It has sequencing, iteration, and selection.
Testing 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 6. It shows the results of two calls and describes the two calls.

Corrections for Submission 3

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 I initally thought got full points for this section, but in reality they didn’t earn the point because they didn’t have the purpose defined.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and shows a list in a loop.
Managing Complexity 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 3. It has a list and talks about what would happen if the list wasn’t present.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 4. It has a description of the functionality of a prodcedure and highlights the procedure itself.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It has an algorithm with selection, iteration, and sequencing and decribes the algoirthm.
Testing 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 6. It shows the results of two calls with two different results and the specific conditions being tested in each call.

Corrections for Submission 4

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The student got the point because they fullfilled all of the requirements for row 1. Their video and written response has the input, output, and program purpose + function clearly shown/described.
Data Abstraction 1 0 I incorrectly thought that the student earned the point for this section. But college board didn’t agree. The student didn’t earn the point because the data stored in their list wasn’t in use in their program.
Managing Complexity 1 0 I incorrectly thought that the student earned the point for this section. But college board didn’t agree. The student didn’t earn the point because their list isn’t being used in their code to manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The student got the point because they fullfilled all of the requirements for row 4. They had a good procedure and decribed the functionality of it.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The student got the point because they fullfilled all of the requirements for row 5. Their algorithm has all three required parts and they describe iteration, selection, and sequencing.
Testing 0 0 The student didn’t earn the point because they only describe the conditions tested, not the arguments of the code execution.