Corrections for Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 I put 0 because the information based on the triangle did not seem to make sense. After looking college board: I got it correct because The response does not specify the program’s purpose. Instead, it describes the function of theprogram, “to provide information about a triangle based on inputted side lengths.” Therefore, the response does not meet the program and purpose and function requirements
Data Abstraction 0 1 I put 0 because the list looked more like a dict so I think it does not work. After looking college board: I got it wrong because I initially thought it made no sense, but in reality, according to college board, "The response identifies what is stored in the list. The response states, “The data in the list contains the possible classifications by side lengths of the triangle.” This overall makes sense and fits the criteria that is data abstraction.
Managing Complexity 0 0 I put 0 because some of yhe list is not neccesary for a program like this. After looking college board: I got it correct because I was right with college board in the fact that, "The response includes a list that collects the four possible classifications in one place, but this is not necessary for the program. This use of the list does not manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 I put 1 because I thought the parameters used were quite accurate because it fit the program. After looking college board: I agreed with college board that, "The response includes a student-developed procedure, ratioCalculate, with three parameters that are used in the procedure. The response also includes another code fragment that calls the procedure ratioCalculate.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as an algorithm in the procedure and explains the procedure with lots of details.
Testing 0 1 I put 0 because I think the Algorithm Implementation is not compatible with the data provided. After looking college board: The student-developed algorithm within procedure, ratioCalculate, includes sequencing, selection (if statement), and iteration (for in range loop).

Corrections for Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 I put 1 because the information seemed to lined up and seemed to make sense. After looking college board: I got it correct because The response does not specify the program’s purpose. Instead, it describes the function of theprogram, “The video demonstrates the running of the program, showing input into the program through the user placing tiles on a grid. Output includes the display of the game simulation. It also shows the user pausing, editing, and replaying the simulation. This satisfies the first three criteria for the video."
Data Abstraction 1 1 I put 1 because the list looked more like a dict so I think it does work. After looking college board: I got it wrong because I initially thought it made no sense, but in reality, according to college board, "The name of the list is identified as startGrid. The response identifies other lists, but theyare not considered in the scoring.” This overall makes sense and fits the criteria that is data abstraction
Managing Complexity 1 1 I put 1 because some oftyhe list is neccesary for a program like this. After looking college board: I got it correct because I was right with college board in the fact that, "The response includes code that uses a list to manage complexity by accessing and storing the status (1 or 0) of 10,800 items. This use of the list does not manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 I put 1 because I thought the parameters used were quite accurate because it fit the program. After looking college board: I agreed with college board that, "The response includes a student-developed procedure, createPoems, with four parameters that are used in the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 I put 1 because I agreed with what it was saying and it all made sense. The student-developed algorithm within procedure, createPoems, includes sequencing, selection (if statement), and iteration (while loop).
Testing 1 1 I put 1 because I think the Algorithm Implementation is not compatible with the data provided. After looking college board: The response specifies the different results of the two procedure calls. The response states in the first case that “the final output poems will have “The” and “And” in the content.” The responses states in the second case that “the final output poems will not have “The” and “And” in the content.”